Beauty Tips

For grey hair
Heat Castrol oil and coconut oil in an equal quantity and put some curry leaves over it .Your grey hair will disappear and hair will grow longer and healthier.

Honey Facial Mask
Place a cloth in warm water and apply to your face to open the pores. Smear on honey, and leave on for 15 to 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water, and then use cold water to close the pores. Use once in a week.

For rose lips
Apply the juice of mint leaves on your lips.

Cleansing skin
Take a tsp. of milk; add 2-3 drops of lemon juice. Apply with cotton ball on your face.

To improve skin complexion
CARROT + TOMATO + APPLE It improves skin complexion and eliminate bad breath.

Natural Face Bleach
Take few pieces of white radishes and make it as a paste with little curd and apply it in your face and leave for 20 minutes. Wash your face with water. You will get a bleaching effect.

Soft Hands
To get soft hands simply apply little amount of almonds oil. You will get rid of the hardness within one week.

Pimples vanish without leaving scars
Make smooth powder out of cinnamon stick and store in airtight container. While applying to face, take some powder and make a paste by adding 2 drops of lemon juice and apply it on pimple. Do this regularly, so that eventually pimple vanishes without leaving scar behind and again in future pimples will never appear in the spot where you apply cinnamon paste.

Hair fall
Soak fenugreek seeds overnight in water. Next day blend it and apply for your hair.

Real Dandruff cure
Use yogurt and lime and rub it in the scalp with cotton dipped in the yogurt mixture. Do it twice a week.

Reduce Dark Circle
Make paste of papaya and potato juice, and mash it well. Take a cotton wool and dip in this paste and gently apply under the eye area. Apart from this drink lots of water and have at least 8 hours of sleep every day.

Steam & Freshness
In boiling water add few mint leaves and few drops of lemon juice, then steam your face, the pores will cleanup and u can feel freshness.

To reduce weight
Drink honey with lemon in hot water in early morning. If you drink in cold water makes an opposite reaction.

To avoid fingers and palm getting black
To avoid your fingers and palm getting black while cutting green jack fruit, raw banana and banana flower, apply little oil to your palm and fingers.

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